INCUBO L'enorme mostro bianco solcava docile l'acqua da levante a ponente. Sembrava stanco. Al mio fianco la gente teneva lo sguardo fisso verso nord. Sul gigante possente. Niente, nemmeno un suono rompeva il silenzio mentre lui avanzava a passo d'uomo. Aspettavo immobile il momento in cui mi avrebbe visto. Ma continuò inarrestabile. Verso angoli bui dove mai osai spingermi. Mai.
(English translation) NIGHTMARE The huge white monster was gently cutting through the water from east to west. It seemed to be tired. The people next to me had a fixed stare towards the north. On the mighty giant. Nothing, not even one sound was breaking the silence while it was moving forward dead slow. I was standing still, waiting for the moment in which he would have seen me. But it moved on, inexorable. Towards dark corners where I never dared to venture. Never.